9 mai 2023 13:00 - 14:30 - Planning a 2+1 Highway: Site Selection and Design Parameters

Ce webinaire est offert en anglais.

Planning a 2+1 Highway: Site Selection and Design Parameters

Ontario’s Ministry of Transportation (MTO) is working to deliver North America’s first true 2+1 highway – a facility that would improve traffic flow and road safety at a lower cost than conventional highway twinning. This webinar will give an overview of the design model, the site selection criteria that considered factors such as geometry, traffic volumes and winter maintenance issues, and the facility design parameters that balance driver expectations, safety and costs.

Originally presented May 9, 2023


Michael Pearsall, Ontario Ministry of Transportation

Michael is the Manager of the Provincial Highway Design Office. He has worked for the Ministry of Transportation for more than three decades in highway planning, design, construction and maintenance. He has been involved with value engineering since 1996, and is one of the few Certified Value Specialists in Canada; he is President of SAVE International a Past-President of Value Analysis Canada, and a Fellow of Engineers Canada.

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