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22 juin 2023 13:00 - 15:00
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Prix de réalisation environnementale de l'ATC : Finalistes 2023

Ce prix récompense l'excellence en matière de protection et d'amélioration de l'environnement naturel par le biais de projets de transport.

Originally presented June 22, 2023


Project: Alberta Wildlife Watch

Submitted by: Alberta Ministry of Transportation and Economic Corridors

Presenters: Karla Langlois and Stephen Legaree 

Animal-vehicle collisions (AVCs) on Alberta’s rural highways account for 60% of all collisions, with $300,000 in daily costs. Manual data collection on AVCs is slow and unreliable, making it hard to understand and prevent AVCs.

The Alberta Wildlife Watch (AWW) includes a mobile app for fast and accurate collection of data on animal carcass and live sightings, a website tool to identify and prioritize collision-prone locations, standard processes and designs for mitigations, and the ability to monitor and maintain those mitigations. AWW has now been used to identify 79 statistically significant AVC-prone locations of highest concern, and enabled the delivery of capital works to improve safety for motorists and reduce the impact of highways on wildlife.


Project: Invasive Plant Management Program

Submitted by: British Columbia Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure

Presenter: Grahame Gielens

Project: Vegetation and Compensation Program 

Submitted by: Metrolinx, Ontario

Presenters: Carolien Dannrath and  Gretel Green 

Project: Highway 535 Water Management Plan 

Submitted by:  Ontario Ministry of Transportation, in partnership with LEA Consulting Ltd. and Water’s Edge

Presenters: Cristina Iliescu and Ed Gazendam

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