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27 juil. 2023 13:00 - 15:00
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Prix de réalisation en technologie de l'ATC : Finalistes 2023

Ce prix récompense les initiatives qui démontrent de l'excellence dans l'utilisation de technologies de pointe pour relever les défis du transport routier, autoroutier ou urbain.

Originally presented July 27, 2023


Project: Automated Avalanche Detection System on Highway 37A 

Submitted by: British Columbia Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure , in partnership with PBX Engineering

Presenters: Oliver Schwuchow and Ian Steele

Highway 37A features 72 active avalanche paths in the Bear Pass zone. The Automated Avalanche Detection System (AADS) – a first in North America – improves forecasting, accelerates responses, reduces closures and improves safety by delivering real-time avalanche monitoring and alert notifications 24/7 in all weather conditions. AADS includes two radar stations and a radio link station, scans 10 avalanche paths up to five kilometres away, and detects snow mass movements in real time and any visibility. 

Automated alerts describe an event’s location, size and speed (including photos during the day) and allows an immediate response. In its first six months of operation, AADS counted more than 1,200 avalanche events – many of which previously would have been recorded inaccurately, or not at all.


Project: MOVE: A City-Built Data Management Platform for Traffic Volume and Collision Data

Submitted by:  City of Toronto, Ontario, in partnership with Code for Canada

Presenter: Jesse Coleman

Project: Traffic Data Collectors in Remote & Arctic Conditions 

Submitted by:  Northwest Territories Department of Infrastructure

Presenter: Terry Brookes

Project: Truck Platooning on Canadian Public Roads in Winter Driving Conditions 

Submitted by:  University of Alberta, in partnership with Alberta Motor Transport Association, Alberta Transportation, Bison Transport, Pronto AI, Solaris, Tantus, and Esso

Presenter: Mahdi Shahbakhti

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