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11 juil. 2024 13:00 - 14:20

The Safety Benefits of Lower Speed Limits in Edmonton

Prix de réalisation en sécurité routière de l'ATC: Finalistes 2024

Award recipient (20-minute presentation)

City of Edmonton, AB: Speed Limit Reduction Initiative
In 2021, Edmonton reduced the default speed limit from 50 km/h to 40 km/h on all residential local roads, most residential collector roads, and downtown arterial roads. Analysis found that average 85th percentile speeds dropped from 51.8 km/h to 50.2 km/h, while collisions dropped by 25% and injuries and fatalities dropped by 31% – thus, small decreases in speed led to substantial safety improvements. Speeds dropped more in neighbourhoods with grid layouts, shorter blocks and frequent intersections than in areas with wide, uninterrupted collector roads.
Presenter: Tazul Islam

Award finalists (10-minute presentations)

City of Coquitlam, BC: Proactive Risk Mapping and Network Screening – Moving Beyond Blackspots
In partnership with Martinson Golly Ltd. and Abley
Presenters: Anagha Krishnan and Tyler Golly

Regional Municipality of York, ON: York Region’s Two-Tier Data Management System 
In partnership with True North Safety Group 
Presenter: Pedram Izadpanah

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